In celebration of Mardi Gras I decided to make King cake!
For those of you who do not know what a king cake is, its like a giant Cinnabon!
It can have many different flavors inside.
King cakes are very traditional during Carnival season in New Orleans.
It was my first time ever making king cake so I was a little nervous!
I looked around for a recipe and found one here.
I changed the filling inside the cake.
I am not a big a fan of raisins and pecans in bread so I omitted them.
This recipe was authentic and super yummy.
Trust me I lived in New Orleans and it was pretty darn good!
It also made enough for two king cakes which is great since all of my coworkers have been begging me to bake them something!
Sorry for taking soo long!!!
I was able to take one to a Murder mystery party and the other one to my school.
It was a success!
For those of you who do not know what a king cake is, its like a giant Cinnabon!
It can have many different flavors inside.
King cakes are very traditional during Carnival season in New Orleans.
It was my first time ever making king cake so I was a little nervous!
I looked around for a recipe and found one here.
I changed the filling inside the cake.
I am not a big a fan of raisins and pecans in bread so I omitted them.
This recipe was authentic and super yummy.
Trust me I lived in New Orleans and it was pretty darn good!
It also made enough for two king cakes which is great since all of my coworkers have been begging me to bake them something!
Sorry for taking soo long!!!
I was able to take one to a Murder mystery party and the other one to my school.
It was a success!